Sometimes it does pay off to talk crazily about obsessions.
How often do you randomly speak of wanting to write historical markers for the State Education Department and go on and on and on about the State Education Building to a stranger?

Funny when it turns out that stranger works at the State Education Building and says, "the building is closed to the public, but I can give you a tour."
I might have been without words for a few seconds. But finally when I could I speak I said to her, "let's go."
Once you step inside the 36-column building, there are more columns inside on the second floor, but the murals are the eye catchers.
VERITAS, THE GODDESS OF TRUTH, fixes her eyes on the words of the Roman philosopher Marcus Aurelius, "If thou workest... with heroic truth in every word thou utterest, thou wilt live happily." In the foreground, the poppy, hourglass, and head of Medusa represent aspects of temptation and error. The Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt looms in the background. |
They're all by the same person, Will H. Low.
1917. Oil on Canvas.

With all the paintings it took me quite a bit to look up.
Once you do, you see the dome and this gold light fixture.
Up a few flights you'll see that the inside columns are double.

There are too many details to mention. Here to the right you see an old elevator, no longer in service.
Look up again around the corner at the descent of a spiral staircase.

This bring us to where you would either begin or end. The Regents Room is on the first floor.
This is what a sign says in the room that is lined with oil paintings of Chancellors.

"Founded in 1784, the New York State Board of Regents is the oldest policy making educational body in the nation. The Regents is the only state board of education that has oversight of educational society of all levels, including public schools and colleges, and cultural institutions.
Officially known as the Regents Room, this is the meeting space for the Regents when they are in Albany. This room is walled with Indiana limestone and an elaborate ornamental ceiling with a carved oak cornice. Portraits of past Chancellors hang on the walls.
Seventeen Regents are elected by the Legislature for terms lasting five years."