Saturday, October 11, 2008


What is SCARIER than this past week on Wall Street?

So for Halloween, Willamena has chosen to go as a Muttador. (She is part mutt, part labrador- get it, mutt-ador?)

She is hanging out with the Bull at the entrance of Bowling Green Park because she wants to remind people to remain bullish in this tough time.

She actually has plans to hunt some BEARS this Halloween. So she will actually be Mena the bear fighting Mutt-ador.

The day Mena visited the bull, Friday, October 10th, 2009, The Dow Jones swung by more than a thousand points before closing down 128 at 8451.19, ending the worst week the Dow has even seen.

Which is why it wasn't an easy task getting near this bull. The real fighting was the crowd. The street was lined with TV News trucks and cameras. Tourists, maybe even New Yorkers, crowded around the bull to touch his parts for good luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey HK, great blog!
Only you are "ballsy" enough to write it like it is!!