Sunday, October 15, 2006

Haunted Tour Guided by Willabeast continues

Landmark Tavern, 11th at 46th
Originally uploaded by hrkovar.

After leaving the Upper West Side, the next stop on the tour is the Landmark Tavern. Its on 11th Avenue at 46th street, just across from one of New York City's best BarB-Q establishments, Daisey Mae's.
Allegedly a young girl who died of typhoid fever still lives on the third floor of the 1868 established Landmark Tavern. The other reported ghost is that of a confederate soldier. He was shot in a bar brawl, and died in a bathtub on the second floor. Its supposedly still there. I believe he is too. When I zoom into the the far left window on the second floor, I see a face smiling back. Plus there is a red streak in the ground floor window that wasn't in any of the first pictures taken.
However, I checked out the brunch and dinner menu, and I am ready to try it out!

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